
July 12, 2009

Call it a Day..

Its Saturday! And I wasn't doing anything beneficial. Just sitting here with Labbie (my laptop), playing games, watching movies, and that I call it a day. What a waste of time. I'm actually aware, but I'm just feeling too lazy to do anything, especially studying! I don't know why was I so "unproductive" today, and unhappy, too. Will it be the tension of pre-calculus test? Will it be the pressure of the awaiting assignments? Haiz, really miss secondary school days. Don't have those FU*K**G stressful situation that I'm facing here everyday, don't have those SH*t assignment that counts for marks, don't have those stupid lab reports that affect my final result, don't have any LAME quiz, don't have those piqued and confusing lectures..and this..and that..and..and..

Here I go again, can't stop complaining once I began on this topic. Anyway, complaining doesn't solve the matter either. Just to shout it out, for some tension relieve! At least! Haha!
Well, I begin to get use to the life here already. But still not feeling comfortable with it. This place is so damn freakin DUMB! Honestly, I HATE it here. But what to do? I'm fated to be here! No choice but to accept it. In fact I should be "thankful" (This is a school where hundreds are fighting for a place here). But never mind. We'll see! Its too early to jump to a conclusion. As the old classical adage goes, "don't judge a book by its cover". It may be better than I expected it to be, or it may be even worse than I could ever think of! Who knows? Just let the time tell.

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