
September 16, 2009

ObsTAcles in My wAy..

first obstacle:
Done badly in my exam..after some calculation, i can still get like 3.107, which is way low under JPA requirement..and as a result, I'll be the stupidiest scholar among the chinese..what a shame..a real shame!

second obstacle:
I can't log in the stupid student portal! For God sake! What a stupid idiot and super moron system. I cant log in means that I can't register my courses for the next sem! Holy shit! And the people in charge didn't even reply my e-mail. MATI la...

third obstacle:
Quarrel with my face black black with me..

Why is life so harsh on me?

1 comment:

hallan said...

Take a deep breath...
Calm down ur mind...
clear all problems out of ur mind...
Think of the solution one at a time...
I know u can do it..
its jz tat u r kinda lost ur direction now...
find sum time n think of ways to solve evrythg...
u'll not be the shame of chinese...
I'm proud of u as one of my frens there... ok??
u oways gt me as ur bakup!! ^^